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EWOT is worldwide one of the most powerful oxygen therapies available.
After helping patients in the Netherlands with our EWOT MULTISTEP OXYGEN BAG, the time has come to spread our wings. We believe that everyone is entitled to our medical oxygen bag, so we bring our oxygen bag for a reasonable price.
Our oxygen bag is complete with all the items you need (mask, tubes, etc.), and is certified for the Medical Device Directive 93/42 / EEC and falls under the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745. You can buy your oxygenconcentrator locally or in our webshop when your country is on the shippinglist.
EWOT How to treat with Oxygen Therapy?
There is nothing more basic to life than Oxygen. Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life and that goes as much for cancer cells as it does for healthy human cells. Oxygen can heal and it can kill so it is perfect for infections of all types.
There is a way to increase the amount of Oxygen in the human body, practicing Oxygen Therapy. Oxygen Therapy introduces a new simple way of injecting massive amounts of oxygen into the cells. In fifteen minutes one can open the cells allowing them to detoxify as they gulp down higher levels of oxygen. What I have discovered will help many people pull out of chronic situations where they have not been able to do so before.
Oxygen therapy is as wonderful as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular energy, more healing energy and more energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better in life. Importantly enough when ample oxygen rushes into oxygen deficient cells oxygen is no longer the limiting reagent for detoxification of cellular poisons that have been accumulating.
Increasing our oxygenation to tissues is one of the greatest influences on our pH and the use of exercise with a EWOT MULTISTEP OXYGEN BAG system will be recommended.
One cannot stay physically present on earth forever but with enough oxygen a better life can be ours until our time is up!
It is invisible, it is powerful, and it is life sustaining.
It is oxygen. We inhale it every day of our lives, and while it makes up only 21 percent of the air we breathe, it is key to our very existence. The more we learn about its healing properties, the more we recognize its tremendous potential as a medical treatment for many serious disorders. Yet few have known about its important therapeutic uses until now.
In his new book, Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy, best-selling author Dr .Mark Sircus examines the remarkable benefits oxygen therapy offers, from detoxification to treatments for disorders such as arthritis and aging, with a
special emphasis on cancer. While the term “oxygen therapy” conjures images of a crucially ill patient lying in
a hospital bed with tubes strapped to his face, this book will show that oxygen can offer so much more. Dr. Sircus first looks at the nature of oxygen and its purpose in the body. He then provides an understanding of how inflammation works to destroy the bodyÂ’s tissues over time, and how oxygen can reverse this process. He examines the current treatments that use hyperbaric oxygenchambers as well as newer protocols that employ this vital element. In addition, Dr. Sircus offers a simple, safe, and highly effective fifteen-minute technique that
can be used in the privacy of your home so that you can enjoy maximum benefits for a healthier life.
If you are wondering why you haven´t heard about this miracle- treatment before, the truth is that oxygen cannot be patented, it is not expensive, and you don´t have to be a specialist to use it. Without a tremendous profit behind it, its become a well-kept secret, but the facts speak for themselves. In this book, you will learn these life-altering facts information that could change your health for the better.