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Betere zuurstoftoevoer naar tumoren kan groei van kanker tegengaan

Zuurstoftekort in tumorcellen draagt bij tot de groei van kanker. Dat blijkt uit de resultaten van een onderzoeksproject geleid door professor Diether Lambrechts en dr. Bernard Thienpont (VIB / KU Leuven), gepubliceerd in Nature. Een betere zuurstoftoevoer naar tumoren zou de woekerende cellen minder vatbaar kunnen maken voor groei: een interessante piste voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe kankermedicijnen.

Increasing a patient's oxygen status significantly increases the effectiveness of other cancer treatments, whether natural or chemical.

When diagnosed with cancer
Integrative Oncology

Understandably, when diagnosed with cancer, most people go straight to surgeons who remove tumors and to oncologists who use vigorous chemotherapy and radiation to eradicate disease. For many, treatment ends there.

But many experts now agree that it is time for a more holistic, long-term approach to the disease with a greater focus on prevention and the overall health of patients suffering from cancer._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The world of integrative oncology expands_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to explore safe and effective combinations of natural/complementary therapies to conventional treatments to reduce side effects, restore health and vitality after completion of cancer treatments and helping prevent cancer recurrence. 


Cellular inflammation is the basis for numerous degenerative inflammatory diseases that now afflict the population. There is a wealth of information available on anti-inflammatory supplements and dietary guidelines, so it makes sense to adopt an anti-inflammatory way of life. Anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy is a great combination.   This can be the road to recovery for cancer patients, especially if they are seeking lasting recovery.

Smart oncologists use oxygen
Any factor that threatens the oxygen-carrying capacity of the human body promotes cancer growth. Likewise, any therapy that improves oxygenation enhances the body's defenses against cancer.
Bar Chart





For cancer to gain a foothold in the body, the body must be oxygen-poor and acidic.


Poor oxygenation can accelerate the development of tumors and metastases, resulting in a poorer prognosis, regardless of which cancer treatment is used.


If we improve the oxygen supply, the cancer can not only be inhibited, but even destroyed. Although oxygen cannot save everyone, it is essential for life, along with its sister carbon dioxide. The only safe way to use oxygen at a concentration high enough to make life difficult for cancer cells is to use it together with carbon dioxide .

EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy), is a breakthrough because  the patient moves during therapy so that a lot of carbon dioxide is released. We need that to release oxygen from the hemoglobin. For example, one can inhale almost unlimited  oxygen via a 900 liter oxygen reservoir.

Your cells are full of oxygen! And we want that!

The higher the oxygen content in the cell, the healthier you are!


During the activity, an oxygen mask is worn that helps to quickly send oxygen to the capillaries.


Increasing oxygen levels has been proven to be effective in cancer care simply because cancer cells have a hard time living in an oxygen-rich environment.


Surprising: better fight against cancer
with oxygen

Reset je immuunsysteem met zuurstof

Not just cancer, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

and many more conditions can all result from

insufficient oxygenation of the cells.


With EWOT, the body is able to create an ​​oxygen-rich environment. In fact, it is better able to fight disease. For patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, the supply of oxygen can help speed recovery and minimize the toxic effects of these conventional treatments.


EWOT literally helps the body function at its best. Another EWOT benefit is an increase in energy levels, which often becomes a challenge for people battling cancer. Regular sessions can help patients improve endurance and boost the immune system.


Another important goal of EWOT is to prevent muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia.

Research shows that oxygen makes cancer cells weak and less resistant to treatments. 

The fact that tumors all show some degree of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) led researchers to their most vulnerable point - oxygen. Cancer shares this point with viruses, bacteria, and fungi, all of which abhor high oxygen levels.

Zuurstof voor betere bestrijding kankerc

Cancer cells with a low oxygen level are 3x more resistant to radiotherapy

Cancer can be fought with many antitumor drugs, but without an abundance of oxygen, all efforts are often in vain.

Oxygen deficiency in tumor cells contributes

to the growth of cancer. 

Cancer only thrives in an oxygen-deficient environment. Increasing a patient's oxygen status significantly increases the effectiveness of other cancer treatments. 

Kanker te lijf met zuurstof, zuurstoftherapie EWOT

Oxygen helps beat cancer!
Scientists are aware of this, but many oncologists apparently are not yet.
It's just a matter of one and one is two, and yet few doctors use oxygen to treat cancer. This shows once again how important it is for patients to share this knowledge when their lives are at stake. (Source: Dr.M.Sircus/ anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy)

nobelprijswinnaars geneeskunde 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019 |  NTR | Editorial

“Oxygen kills cancer cells

In addition, applications in the fields of heart disease, stroke and anemia beckon."


The Nobel Prize in Medicine has just been awarded to William Kaelin, Peter Ratcliffe and Gregg Semenza for their discovery of how cells perceive and adapt to the availability of oxygen.


Nobel Prize: This is how our body adapts if we don't get enough oxygen







We have known for centuries that animals need oxygen to convert food into usable energy. That is the work of the mitochondria, the energy factories of the cells. But how do cells adapt to the amount of oxygen?

Molecular machinery

The three Nobel laureates, two Americans and one Briton, discovered how the cells sense the oxygen level and then adapt to it. They mapped out the molecular machinery that determines how active certain genes are in response to different oxygen levels.













In 2016 you could already hear on Radio1 how oxygen can kill cancer cells: 

In addition, applications in the field of heart disease, stroke and anemia beckon.



















Two Belgian scientists from de  KU Leuven   examined three thousand patients with tumors.

They discovered that a better oxygen supply to tumors makes the proliferating cells less susceptible to growth.

According to the Belgians, that discovery has "drastic consequences". It would pave the way for the development of cancer drugs targeting the blood vessels. Oxygen is transported through blood vessels.


"Our findings could greatly advance cancer research," said co-author Bernard Thienpont. "For example, by properly monitoring the oxygen supply to tumors, we can make predictions about the course and possible treatments of cancer."


The research focused on so-called hypermethylation. This is a process in which tumors grow excessively fast. "Our study shows that oxygen deficiency is an important environmental factor for hypermethylation. Oxygen deficiency even explains up to half of all cases of hypermethylation in tumors," said co-researcher Diether Lambrechts.

The link between oxygen deficiency and cell growth has been proven in breast cancer, but also in tumors in the bladder, intestines, head and neck, kidneys, lungs and uterus. The results are published in the scientific journal  Nature .

kankercellen bestrijden met zuurstof.jpg

'Cancer cells can be fought with oxygen'

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Zuurstof bestrijdt kanker, Corpusair.nl_

Give cancer cells enough oxygen and they will proliferate less. That is the main conclusion of a Belgian study published in Nature. “An important step in the fight against cancer.”



The discovery is the work of professor Diether Lambrechts and doctor Bernard Thienpont (VIB-KU Leuven). They saw how tumors actually benefit from poor blood flow. “That sounds contradictory,” says Thienpont. "But it's true: a poor supply of oxygen makes the cancer more aggressive and faster to develop."


Their work has been published in the renowned journal Nature.

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