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Oxygen Supports Rheumatoid Arthritis

Oxygen deficiency and inflammation 
2 sides of the same coin

Keep moving with rheumatism

If you have rheumatism, you probably don't immediately think about regular exercise. Movement can be painful, but it is important if you have rheumatism. Oxygen supports, it doesn't matter what type of rheumatism you have.

More oxygen for easier movement and less pain

A higher oxygen level means fitter, more vital and healthier. Already during the 1st oxygen session, inflammation in capillaries decreases.

Ouder echtpaar buiten

Rheumatism is a collective name for more than a hundred different disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

In many forms of rheumatism, the joints are affected, but the muscles and tendons can also be damaged by the disease. It can also cause irreparable damage to the heart, lungs or intestines, which can be life-threatening. Rheumatism can be divided into a number of categories:

  • wear-and-tear rheumatism (osteoarthritis)

  • inflammatory rheumatism, for example rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile rheumatism

  • systemic and connective tissue diseases, for example scleroderma

  • soft tissue rheumatism, such as fibromyalgia

  • disorders of the bones, such as Paget .'s disease


The regular treatment options for rheumatism are limited

Despite enormous progress in the last decade, rheumatoid arthritis usually cannot be cured and often requires lifelong medication. When the treatment is stopped, the disease often flares up again and the inflammation and destruction of the joints continues.  The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is often limited to a combination of patient education, rest, medication, physiotherapy, joint protection, exercise and possibly surgery.

Inflammatory rheumatism is a collective term for rheumatic diseases with long-term or chronic inflammation of the joint mucosa (synovium). This causes the mucous membrane to swell and prevent fluid from draining properly, causing pain and stiffness in the joint. Ultimately, the inflammation can damage the cartilage and even the bone.

Of the 420,000 people with inflammatory arthritis, 210,000 suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis mainly affects the small joints of the arms and legs, such as the joints in the wrist, hands, and feet.

zuurstoftherapie EWOT remt ontstekingen en pijn bij reuma

Inflammatory Rheumatism and Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy

Why is exercise so important?

There are several reasons why it is important to keep moving if you have rheumatism:

  • Keeping the joints mobile. By moving you keep your joints as flexible as possible and you prevent your joints from stiffening, which can make you more prone to rheumatism.

  • Keep muscles strong and flexible. Muscles play an important role in keeping a joint stable. Muscles keep the joint in place and absorb shocks. The stronger the muscles, the better the support of the joint. As a result, you often have less pain.

  • Improve or maintain condition. If you are in good shape, you will feel fitter. You will then have more energy, are less tired and as a result can better bear the consequences of a rheumatic disease.


Oxygen level plays a critical role in determining the severity of the inflammatory response and ultimately the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs. Increasing the oxygen level in all cells of the body provides significant benefits for everyone and in particular for patients with, for example, asthma, COPD and rheumatoid arthritis.


The anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy  greatly aids the body in transporting oxygen to the tissues. When the oxygen level is increased, the cells take in extra oxygen and deliver it to our tissues. Waste gases and toxins are removed more efficiently, inflammation decreases and cells begin to function better.

  1. oxygenation (the abundance of oxygen)  helps you get moving

  2. oxygenation positively affects blood flow

  3. oxygenation promotes the growth of new capillaries

  4. oxygenation significantly reduces edema and swelling

  5. oxygenation significantly shortens the inflammatory process

  6. oxygenation reduces pain, relaxes tired muscles

  7. oxygenation stimulates the immune system instead of suppressing it


Anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy is a valuable complementary therapy. As a supportive treatment, EWOT can contribute to the success of traditional medical treatment methods. In addition, successes were achieved in pain relief, improved sleep values and support for rehabilitation and regeneration processes.

Zuurstoftherapie is de natuurlijke hulp voor soepele gewrichten

Anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy helps you get and stay moving

also with inflamed painful joints

Imagine feeling a renewed energy from the moment you wake up. EWOT oxygen therapy   can give you the physical and mental boost you've been looking for and much more.

More oxygen is the key to a better life. Are you easily tired? Difficulty concentrating?  See things more clearly with 90% oxygen per breath instead of the usual 21% oxygen.

When you're exhausted or tired, you know how good it feels  to breathe fresh air. Add to the air you breathe  400% more oxygen 
come and see what happens.

Whether it's for a pandemic or a regular flu,

 a strong immune system is critical to staying healthy. Research indicates that oxygen therapy can help build your resistance.

Gezond zijn en beter worden, zuurstoftherapie EWOT
Get stronger with every breath
Order your EWOT home oxygen kit now - for the well-being of the whole family - 
or for your sports or health center
Order online - at Corpusair the EWOT shop of all of us,
or call 06 53 67 71 76
Want to see EWOT first? Do an oxygen session without obligation? 
in Westland or Gelderland


Smederijstraat 24 Naaldwijk ZH  en Dorpsstraat 207 Lunteren GD

Open by appointment

The oxygen shop for everyone

Corpusair zuurstoftherapie EWOT Nederland.

Chamber of Commerce 68407262

IBAN NL93RABO0355067269

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The contents of this publication are provided for informational purposes only. In no way is this information intended to diagnose or substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you contact a reliable specialist for this.


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