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Do you (temporarily) have a
need oxygen concentrator?

Moving, talking, thinking: we use energy in everything we do, even when we sleep. Normally we get enough oxygen through breathing. But if the lungs do not function properly due to illness, such as for example COPD or the Covid-19 virus, extra oxygen  may be necessary.


Inhale extra oxygen for respiratory complaints

When an oxygen concentrator
reserve or rent?

Breathing problems? Slow recovery after illness?  You notice it in everything you do. To put it mildly, that is very annoying. Oxygen therapy can provide relief so that your life looks better again. Oxygen plays a primary and vital role for our health and well-being.


The more oxygen we have in our body, the more energy we produce. This insight is more important than ever today, because of the general deficit in oxygen uptake. The best way to ensure optimal health is to make sure that every cell in our body is getting enough oxygen
to provide.


Most people get oxygen through nasal goggles. This is a plastic tube that runs behind the ears and along the head to the nose and is connected to an oxygen concentrator.


Examples of conditions in which people have a low oxygen level in their blood include COPD, lung cancer or lung fribrosis. The use of an oxygen concentrator improves the quality of life. Because you get tired less quickly, you can do more activities. 

  • Is exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) not an option for you  Do you still want an oxygen boost?

  • Or does the application through your health insurer take a long time and do you want a concentrator to bridge the waiting time?

  • Or do you want to quickly have a good and reliable oxygen concentrator and medicine nebulizer at your disposal for other reasons?


We deliver your oxygen concentrator to your home within 3 working days on average, and collect it again as soon as you

that indicates. Our equipment is of high quality and with our service   your oxygen therapy will always come to its fullest on time and to the maximum. 

Your life gets more air again

What a relief

The EWOT oxygen bags and oxygen masks

are NOT included in the rental.

Vrouw in rolstoel koffie drinken

Rental information

The oxygen concentrators (5 liters pmn) are rented per week, the first week is 275,-- euro with instruction and delivery. Extension is  50,-- euros per week. 


After the rental period, the lessee returns the concentrator to our branch in Lunteren or in Monster. Or for a small fee  of 0.25 cents per kilometer we will pick up the machine again.


After 7-14 days you decide whether the oxygen medication is still necessary. The oxygen concentrator remains the property of Corpusair/Freeair. At  delivery and/or collection, the first week's rent is settled (275.00 euros)


For returning clients, we rent the oxygen concentrator for EUR 50 per week. Pick up and return yourself.


Oxygen Concentrator with Medicine Nebulizer

Rent an oxygen concentrator

Zuurstofconcentrator komt thuis van pas als u extra zuurstofondersteuning nodig heeft

Supplemental oxygen has no addictive effect. Your doctor has prescribed a certain amount of oxygen to improve your bodily functions so that your headache, drowsiness, confusion, fatigue or increased instability will improve.


If these symptoms persist after you have started the supplemental oxygen therapy, please contact your doctor.

Oxygen is vital

When do you need extra oxygen?

The amount of oxygen in the blood is called saturation. In healthy people the oxygen saturation is between 95% and 99%. Due to a lung disease, this can drop to less than 90%. This makes you stuffy and tired and over time there is a lack of oxygen in organs such as the heart and brain. This can also get you confused. If the oxygen saturation is too low for a long time, extra oxygen is therefore necessary to prevent damage. A pulmonologist can determine after a number of measurements whether this is the case with you.

What is an oxygen concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator is a device that concentrates oxygen. The air we normally breathe consists of 78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas and 1% argon. An oxygen concentrator can filter the supplied ambient air by means of filters or membranes, so that the oxygen concentrator can supply a more oxygen-rich supply of air. The percentage of oxygen can be increased to approximately 90% with the aid of an oxygen concentrator.


Application of an oxygen concentrator

The oxygen concentrator has various applications, but is  mainly intended for people with a low oxygen level in their blood. Examples of conditions in which people have a low oxygen level in their blood include COPD, lung cancer or pulmonary fibrosis. The use of an oxygen concentrator can increase life expectancy and increase the enjoyment of life. Because you get tired less quickly, you can do more activities. By means of, often nasal glasses, oxygen-rich air flows into your lungs. Other applications of oxygen therapy using an oxygen concentrator include wound care, skin problems, immune system recovery and cluster headaches.


Using an oxygen concentrator

Our oxygen concentrators are extremely easy to use. The concentrator should be located in a clear space to ensure an adequate supply of ambient air. The oxygen concentrator only needs a supply of ambient air and power. Our oxygen concentrators are infinitely adjustable by means of a rotary knob, so you can easily determine the desired amount of oxygen. Before using an oxygen concentrator, always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional for advice. The information available on our website is for your knowledge only and does not constitute medical advice or treatment of medical conditions.


Advantages compared to oxygen cylinders

An oxygen concentrator has many advantages over oxygen cylinders that may be of interest to you:

  • One-time home delivery: An oxygen concentrator continuously provides you with your oxygen needs without having to refill it. Where oxygen cylinders need to be replaced/filled monthly, this is not necessary with an oxygen concentrator. Because the concentrator uses its ambient air to achieve a high oxygen purity, there is no refill.

  • Easy to use: our oxygen concentrators are easy to operate due to their simplicity without the need for specific knowledge.

  • Safe: oxygen concentrators are much more fire safe than oxygen cylinders. They are also equipped with various alarm systems that protect you from incorrect use, reduced oxygen purity and a too low supply.

Why is it lung patients 
getting too little oxygen?
Longpatiënten kunnen te weinig zuurstof krijgen

In severe lung diseases, including COPD, the supply of oxygen to the blood is reduced due to damage to the airways and alveoli


Because the lungs cannot transport enough oxygen to the blood, other organs also have a hard time. For example, the blood pressure in the lungs can rise, making the transport of oxygen even more difficult.
If an oxygen deficiency develops slowly and lasts for months, thinking decline, heart problems and kidney problems can occur.

In no way is this information intended to diagnose or substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you contact a reliable specialist for this.


Smederijstraat 24 Naaldwijk ZH  en Dorpsstraat 207 Lunteren GD

Open by appointment

The oxygen shop for everyone

Corpusair zuurstoftherapie EWOT Nederland.

Chamber of Commerce 68407262

IBAN NL93RABO0355067269

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The contents of this publication are provided for informational purposes only. In no way is this information intended to diagnose or substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you contact a reliable specialist for this.


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